We are looking for team members across the Globe willing to tackle this virus one machine at a time! If you are a maker email us. We want to work together to help other makers in their towns and cities....
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September the 18th 2008, a day I wish I could just erase off of the calendar. The day my Little Big Sister left this earth for a more Heavenly life. Every year since then September has just sucked! Just no...
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For many months, maybe even years I have been collecting and saving these cardboard tubes. Every time I order sign vinyl or HTV it normally comes shipped in on a tube. These tubes work well when I ship out custom...
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It’s been a while since I’ve blogged and I thought this fire department table project was blog worthy. A few weeks ago Mr. Lee Kirkland, Fire Chief of Milan Fire Department text me inquiring about some graphics on a table...
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Are you feeling a little wild? Like a zebra? Well here’s your shirt to match. Custom made monogrammed pocket tee shirt available in several different colors and sizes.[button link=”” text=”grey”]Shop The Zebra Shirts[/button]
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